Thursday, November 4, 2010

Rain washed city and a rain kissed soul...

And how smoothly they glided down , down the smooth glass pane , knocking against the pane while falling , awakening the MPHASIS MACHINISTS to the beauty outside their window pane ... and how the tall brick giants oozed up the rain , with frantic pigeons running atop all around in search of shelter .
An open gate , a lone watchman under a huge black umbrella , a lone dog shaking the rain off its coat , three auto rickshaws with their yellow canopies and the straight well mowed road of Bagmane - all bound by the same thread of nature , soaked up to their very roots in the rain .
Employees taking a break from their daily tic-tacking chore over the keyboard , leaving their desks and cubicles moving towards the breakout area . The roaring of the coffee machine , sips into the hot coffee cups and all eyes turned to the window panes - a 10 minute rendezvous with the rain , trying to catch some real refreshment for the soul.
As for me , my first view of the wet Bangalorian skyline , feelings penned down .The view freezed , locked and sealed in my mind's eye to be cherished later in some " not feeling good " moment , when the city would not seem as fresh and beautiful to me and this is how I would like to remember this scene to be - AN AFTERNOON OF A MOIST DIWALI EVE.